To say this is a crazy time for everyone would definitely be an understatement. But for High School Seniors it’s a time of missing out one of the big milestones of their life…graduation. We started planning Faliene’s session last summer. We threw around the idea of fall, but decided Spring would be best. We scheduled her session for over Spring Break but then, well…Coronavirus had different plans. Sometimes things work out for the best though and we ended up with lush green leaves on the trees and perfect weather. I had a little more trouble narrowing down which images to share than usual. Maybe because it’s my first session of the year thanks to Coronavirus and I’m just so excited! Maybe it’s because on my senior questionairre I ask my clients what feature they like best about themselves and Faliene said her “hair and eyes” and OMG no kidding! Maybe it was the perfect lighting of the overcast day or the fun locations we used and her ability to “strike a pose”. Probably a little bit of all of these things, but I just love this session Good luck to Faliene and all of the Class of 2020!
Kansas City, MO High School Senior Session: Faliene
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