This lovely girl was my first ever High School Senior 911 Session. I kind of threw this idea together last minute after I started getting graduation party invites and started thinking about how I always get a few calls for last minute emergency Senior Sessions before graduation. I know how time flies when you have kiddos in school and it seems like the older they get the faster it goes so I can only imagine how fast graduation sneeks up on you and how it can be hard to fit everything in. So this year I thought I would set a day aside for some quick senior sessions for those that may not have had time, didn’t think they wanted/needed them until the last minute, or just didn’t get to them for whatever reason. I’m so glad I did because this lovely girl and her mama were a pleasure to work with and she was a natural in front of the camera. This will definitely become a yearly event!
Blue Springs, MO High School Senior Photographer: Hannah H
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