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Kansas City Wedding Reception: Alex and Jamie

This lovely couple already had their wedding elsewhere and asked me to capture their reception back home in Kansas City. Showing up and jumping straight to the party was a fun change for me! This location was new to me as well and I’m not sure how but I never even new it was there. The Rhapsody is tucked away in Independence and is a beautiful space for a reception or party and the nice people there made sure every need was met. I even got a walkie talkie to communicate with the dj and ask for him to send certain people out for photos! LOL. You can bet I’m thinking of purchasing this luxury for all of my future weddings! Even though this wasn’t a full wedding I still have a lot of favorite things so I’m still incorporating that into my blog post, as usual. Here goes:

The location: As I said, so helpful and handy. Also for not being a huge location, there were a ton of beautiful places for photos.

The Meatballs: The bride and mother of the groom made the food for the reception and made these meatballs by hand. One of the perks of being a wedding photographer is that I get to eat they yummy food. These were by far the best meatballs I have ever had!

The games: I love how the old traditions of the dollar dance, hokey pokey, etc. are being replaced with fun games at the reception instead. The “shoe game” is always a hilarious one and the scavenger hunt musical chairs style is a blast to watch as well.

The father daughter dance. This one almost always makes my favorties list. Hits me in the feels. 2019-11-03_0001.jpg

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